Tuesday 17 May 2022

Inverness & Orkney Holiday, May 2022

 Orkney, May 2022

Kirkwall, via Inverness, a round trip of around 1,300 miles - mainly by train! Well worth it, despite some wet and windy weather.

Firstly, Inverness evening scenes

River Ness

Northern end of the Caledonian Canal

Ferry crossing from Scrabster to Stromness

...not forgetting the Old Man of Hoy

Back on land, the magnificent St Magnus's Cathedral, Kirkwall

Two ruins just across the road - The Earl's and the Bishop's Palaces

Skara Brae on a windy, rainy day...

The adjacent Skaill House

The even wetter Ring of Brodgar

The Italian Church and adjacent Churchill Barrier No 1

A ferry to Shapinsay Island and a gentle walk in the rain

Kirkwall Museum (highly recommended!)

...and finally, the ferry home

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